College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS)


As the leading institution in fisheries research in the country, the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS), University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) embodies its role to generate scientific knowledge and provide better solutions to the needs of the populace. Through its 4 Institutes, the College executes research initiatives on the following major research themes: sustainable fisheries and oceans, sustainable aquaculture, sustainable utilization of aquatic resources, and resilience for marine and coastal well-being and sustainability in archipelagic and transboundary contexts.

The College does not only encourage the creation of knowledge through implementing relevant research projects and activities but also, initiates the promotion and application of its research outputs. Numerous local and international scientific articles from the various research projects have been published through the years. IPRs have also been applied and registered to advocate the use of these research outputs. Relevant measures to continuously improve and strengthen the conduct of research activities in the College are now in place to uplift the fisheries profession and industry, and better serve the country.


UP Visayas joins 1st ICORFASA, wins best paper and poster presentation awards
The University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) joined the 1st International Conference on Responsible Fisheries and Aquaculture (ICORFASA) held at Limketkai Luxe Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City on July 3-5, 2024. Chancellor Clement C. Camposano, vice chancellor...
UPV-CFOS, SBIS&TC-China hold undergrad research symposium
The University of the Philippines Visayas – College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (UPV-CFOS) Seaweed Research Group, in collaboration with the Seaweed Base for International Science and Technology Cooperation (SBIS&TC)-China, organized an...
Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 01-11-35 Copy of 20220125-CRADLE Project_PPC_Final
Protein Hydrolysates from Marine Fisheries Species by Asst. Prof. Lhumen Tejano and Dr. Jose Peralta
The researchers of the project believe that sick people (or those with the impaired immune system) should have their body functions focus most of their energy in addressing and repairing what is wrong with the body. Given the opportunity, the human body...
Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 01-47-20 Mussel Biotech Project 1 Video
Mussel Biotechnology Program - Project 1 "Development and characterization of bioactive protein and lipid products from mussels" by Dr. Sharon N. Nuñal
Mussel Biotechnology Program, funded by Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), is composed of two projects Project 1 “Development and characterization...
Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 02-06-42 USAID STRIDE WARP Grant_Rose Toledo Mueda
USAID STRIDE WARP - Launching of Tuna “Tapa” (Tuna Jerky) Products: Taking on the Challenge Towards Spin-off Startup Enterprise Amidst the Pandemic by Ms. Rose T. Mueda
This research project is an offshoot of the previous USAID Grant awarded to the University of the Philippines Visayas in 2015-2017 that has developed tuna-based jerky products using natural preservatives and flavoring from plant-based extracts which were...
Screenshot 2022-08-15 at 02-08-03 Copy of PeraltaEM-Oyster Powder_Tiktok
Oyster Powder by Ms. Ernestina Peralta
Oysters are one of the delicious and nutritious seafood extensively cultured in the Philippines but are considered as a low value food commodity. To increase its market potential, oyster powder was created to provide a natural, nutrient-rich flavor enhancing...


Institute of Aquaculture

  • Biocontrol against  Early Mortality Syndrome/Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (EMS/APHND) causing agent Using Tilapia Greenwater,  Immunostimulants and Biofloc
  • Endogenous Probionts for Shrimp Aquaculture: Screening of Bacteria from saline-tolerant, Oreochromis spp.
  • Utilization of Marine Diatoms as a Dietary  Additives to enhance the Omega-3 Fatty Acid Profile of Seawater Strain Tilapia Nilotica
  • Medium Chain Fatty Acids and Mannos Poly saccharide from Coconut as Dietary supplement  to  promote growth and improve health of cultured Saline Tolerant Strain of Tilapia nilotica
  • Transcriptome and Metabolome Profiling of Seaweeds to Elucidate “Ice-Ice” Disease and Epiphyte Infestation Mechanisms

Institute of Fish Processing Technology

  • Characterization and Development of Bioactive Protein and Lipid Products from mussels as food supplement and functional food ingredient
  • Value Chain Analysis of the Sardine Fisheries in the Philippines
  • Technology transfer of improved dried products from low-value fish species
  • Production Process Optimization and Market Validation of Oyster Powder from Philippine Oyster (Crassostrea iredalei)
  • Protein hydrolysates from Marine Fisheries Species

Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology

  • Trainer’s Training of Teachers and Researchers in Marine Fish Farm Sediment Quality Monitoring
  • Visayan Sea Blue Swimming Crab By-Catch Risk Assessment Project

Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies

  • Value Chain Analysis of Angelwing Clam (Pholas orientalis) Industry in Western Visayas, Philippines Towards Sustainable Governance, Ecological, and Socio-economic Performance
  • Training Needs Assessment for the Fisheries Sector in Antique
  • Assessment of small-scale fisheries in the seagrass beds of Concepcion, Iloilo
  • Western Visayas Commodity Roadmap for Aquaculture
  • Migration and Identity in Four Coastal Municipalities in Southwest Panay, Philippines


From 2011-2021

Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology
  • 90 research projects, 5 of which are still ongoing
  • topics or field in molecular genetics and otoliths as tools for fisheries management, catch composition and diversity, marine fisheries in Panay, and research capability enhancement in higher education institutes or HEIs.
Institute of Fish Processing Technology
  • 32 projects that were implemented from 2011-2021
  • Funding up to P79,500,000 funded by DOST, some from CHED, DA-BAR, USAID Stride, UPV
  • generated 21 manuscripts, 2 IEC Materials,, 11 applied and published utility models, 11 industrial designs, 11 copyright, 5 products, and 1 technology.
  • partner with industries such as Pascual Pharma, Herbanext, and Thelmie’s dried fish
Institute of Aquaculture
  • 61 research projects from 2011, 78% completed; 22% ongoing.
  • Funding up to P408,164,871.67 over the past 10 years, 48% used for acquisition of research equipment
  • milkfish and shrimp projects received highest funding
  • three research thrusts proposed; environment-friendly aquaculture, health management, and precision aquaculture
Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies
  • 59% of their research studies were on Policy development); 6% aquatic products; 6% aquatic health management; 6% eco-based fisheries management.
  • The total funding received by IFPDS was Php 10,595, 103.60. 24 completed projects; 4 ongoing;


UP Visayas joins 1st ICORFASA, wins best paper and poster presentation awards
The University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) joined the 1st International Conference on Responsible...
UPV-CFOS, SBIS&TC-China hold undergrad research symposium
The University of the Philippines Visayas – College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (UPV-CFOS)...
Mueda acquires utility model for tuna jerky
A utility model (UM) for tuna jerky is one of the latest additions to the list of registered intellectual...
UPV-CFOS’s algal paste receives DOST ‘Science for the People’ award
Juan Algal Paste, a microalgae paste developed by the University of the Philippines Visayas College of...
CFOS Research Audit Workshop
The Research Audit Workshop of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences is aimed at comprehensively...
CFOS Public Service Audit and Joint Workshop
The CFOS Standing Committees on Research and Public Service (PS) shall be conducting the CFOS Public...